The popular pomegranate(aril) demonstrates its best attributes in this combination, side by side with the fruity blueberry. This delicate twosome will enjoy your taste buds with a very fruity taste experience and is also great to look at in its robe of royal blue cornflowers and mallow blossoms.
Looking for the extraordinary fruit tea? Here it is! Giant, bright yellow honeydew melon cubes and mighty pineapple flakes invite you to eat them right away. The big, exotic mango papaya flakes do so even more. Hibiscus and delicious grapes accompany these excellent ingredients. This very special fruit tea creation has no equal both in appearance and aroma. The taste of this fruit tea composition captures the flavours of ripe, juicy melons and sweet, fruity pineapple. Memories of summer, sun and vacation drop into our mind when enjoying this extraordinary creation and lead to far away holiday places. Enjoy!
Large, firm, natural coconut chips, pineapple flakes and exotic mango and papaya bits determine the striking combination of this blend. Freeze-dried, light yoghurt granules and yellow sunflower blossoms are further eye catchers. A special combination of exotic fruit flavours complement the fruit nuances perfectly.
Have you already made the acquaintance of the gojiberry? If not, the time is ripe! ÍThe world of teas has found a new "super fruit". The gojiberry, also known as NingXia, wolfberry or boxthorn, distinguishes itself through a very special nutrient profile and its popularity is constantly on the rise. Decorated with brilliant gojiberries, strawberries and blackberries, this creation is a fruity dream in taste and optic, which appeals to all senses.
When the first bees start to conquer our gardens, when the days slowly become longer and nature awakens again, all the sweet scents of spring reach our noses. Juicy and slightly tangy apple and pear pieces make our palate jump with joy. The bright, colourful blossoms and fruit pieces in this homogeneous blend are further enhanced by a juicy strawberry flavour.
Neither the fig nor the mango is shy in this blend! On the contrary: they perfectly complement each other in the taste and optic and attract all the attention to themselves. Juicy, fresh and ripe gold meets sweet-soft pink/green - a combination which will long be remembered, even after the last drop has trickled down your throat.
The red vineyard peach, historically also known as "Persian Apple", which had almost vanished in the past decades, is an incomparable delicacy due to its highly aromatic taste. The small, fuzzy fruits have their origin in China and came from Persia via the Romans to Italy and France. The unique taste of the red vineyard peach, in combination with elderberry, awakens the desires to visit the slopes of the beautiful winegrowing regions where it is grown on.
Local meets exotic, orient meets occident, super meets trendy - in short: blueberry meets lychee! Both fruits are sun-ripened, juicy, unique by themselves and invincible in their combination! Whether as ice tea in summer or warming taste experience which makes you dream of far-away destinations. Blueberries and lychee pieces as well as blue mallow blossoms ensure the exciting optic of this newest fruit blend!