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Az Ayurverda a világ legősibb és leghíresebb élet- és egészségtana, amely az ősi indiai Vedic civilizációból ered. A tudás évezredek óta öröklődik szájhagyomány útján.

Az Ayurveda szó a szanszkrit Ayur (élet) és Veda (tudás) szavakból származik és „az élet bölcsessége” vagy az „élet tudománya”-ként lehetne lefordítani. Az Ayurveda-tant a „természet és filozófia empírikus tanának integrált kombinációja”-ként is emlegetik, amely a fizikai, a mentális, az érzelmi és a spirituális aspektusokra fókuszál, amelyek fontosak az egészségünk szemszögéből. Ezeket temperamentumokként (energia) összesíthetjük és ezek az úgynevezett: Dosha-k: 

  • Vata (szél, levegő, Pneuma)
  • Pitta (tűz és víz, Chole)
  • Kapha (föld és víz, Phlegma)

Az Ayurveda tan lényege, hogy a Dosha-kat harmonikusan kiegyensúlyozottá kell tenni, és ezt különféle fűszerek erejének segítségével lehet segíteni.

Gyógytea keverékeinkben az Ayurveda tanítások és az európai képzelet- és ízvilág ideális szimbiózisa valósul meg. Kereste már a „másmilyen teát”? Akkor itt most megtalálja.

Ezek az intenzív ízvariációk nem tartalmaznak hozzáadott ízesítést.

Women's Activity Tea

Not only women are seduced by the attractive appearance of this blend. Open the tea bag and enjoy the spicy scent of juniper and fresh oranges. The taste is very soft and round with a pleasant note of fennel and cinnamon. Men will surely love this tea, too.


Stock:  24 bag
Fasting Tea

This blend can support you in times of moderation. It was harmoniously composed using old Indian recipes. The intense, spicy, flowery scent and taste let all ingredients to fully unfold. Especially the slightly tangy taste of Mate is perfectly supplemented by thr fresh note of lemon grass. This blend can be drunk either cold or warm and surely makes every fasting period easier to bear.


Stock:  9 bag
Men's Activity Tea

Traditions from the Ayurvedic teachings form the base for this blend, which fulfils all the highest expectatitions of an herbal tea. The interesting spicy and tangy herbal taste with a hint of ginger and pepper will not only vanquish men's weariness, but will vitalise the whole family.


Stock:  11 bag
Ginger Fresh Tea   [Preorder]
Ginger Fresh Tea

Fruity, fresh lemon grass and spicy ginger match perfectly and liquorice root contributes the extra touch of finesse. This herb tea is not spicy, but is given a natural sweetness by the added liquorice. This very attractive blend combines the Indian teachings and the European idea of wellness perfectly. An absolute delight served chilled!


Stock:  0 bag
Stimulating Tea   [Preorder]
Stimulating Tea

Only six ingredients are at the base of this power drink. The strong spices make it the most intense composition among our Ayurveda blends. The turmeric root, which is an important part of curries and of the Indian cuisine, provides the distinctive flavour. All the other ingredients also have a strong spiciness and vitalising effects. This super energy drink contains no caffeine.


Supports the Dosha "Kapha" according to Ayurvedic teachings.


Stock:  0 bag
Yoga Tea   [Preorder]
Yoga Tea

Yoga tea is the classic among the Ayurvedic tea varieties. In our blend you will find stinging nettle leaves in addition to the classical, spicy ingredients. This is a vitalising warm drink on cold days and pleasant at any time. We recommend the classical preparation or the black tea preparation.

Classical preparation: Boil 11 g "Yoga Tea" in approx. 1 litre of water for about 30 minutes, filter it and add 1/4 litre milk. It can be sweetened with honey, if you like.

Preparation with black tea: Boil 11 g "Yoga Tea" in approx. 1 litre water for about 30 minutes. Add 6 g black tea (we recommend our Ceylon UVA • HIGHGROWN (OP)) and let brew for another 3-5 minutes. Filter and add milk if you like, sweeten to taste.


Stock:  0 bag
Balance Tea

According to Ayurvedic teachings, this blend is sooting and balancing. Try it yourself, you will agree. Sweet and soft in taste with a tender, flowery accent, it invites you to a relaxing moment and makes you feel really good. A decoration of rose leaves accentuates the very attractive appeal of this blend.


Supports the Dosha "Pitta" according to Ayurvedic teachings.


Stock:  70 bag
Anti-Strain Tea

Due to the full and slightly sweet aroma with a hint of liquorice, this blend is an ideal companion for anyone under stress. The refreshing and vitalising energy of this blend will be truly loved by everyone who likes herbal teas.


Supports the Dosha "Vata" according to Ayurvedic teachings.


Stock:  10 bag

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