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Loose Herbs


Fennel Seed   [Preorder]
Fennel Seed

The fennel is a plant that gives special pleasure to farmers in the region of the Provence. However, this annualy returning plant with its green leaves needs sufficient warmth and, above all, rich soil. The well-known seed can be harvested only in late summer. The fennel has then reached the highest stage of its development and finaly forms the first seeds. Due to a taste that is similar to aniseed, the fennel seed can be used in very different ways. In general, people brew an infusion. Being acid-free, it is not only suitable for little children but also for the grown-up "children" who like drinking it when they do not feel very well. Last but not least, we would like to inform you that, for example, the steamed fennel bulb could be aten as a vegetable, which tastes brilliant.


Stock:  0 bag
Stinging nettle leaves   [Preorder]
Stinging nettle leaves

The stinging nettle itself is only one of the plant, which is collectively named „nettle plant”. In Europe, approximately 45 varieties of this plant can be found. The qualities of the soil as well as the nettle variety are very important factors for the cultivation of stinging nettle. The different varieties grow between 10 and 250 cm tall. A lot of different types of butterflies use the stinging nettle as nourishment when they are still caterpillars. The human being, however, likes the younger shoots better and uses them, depending on age and freshness, for salads, cooked or even for the production of delicious cheese. A freshly brewed stinging nettle tea can be described as typically herbal with a slight hint od spinach.


Stock:  18 bag
Hibiscus blossoms (whole)

The hibiscus, as connoisseurs know, consists of the hibiscus' calyx and external calyx. They are harvested during the time of the fruits and then dried The inner calyx is 3 cm long and up to the middle it is ball-like. Above, there are five tips bending upwards. The external calyx consists of 10 small, slim petals that are strongly "anchored" to the calyx base. After the flowering time, the fleshy and slightly crumbly calyxes take on their typical red colour. The main countries of cultivation of the hibiscus are the Sudan, Egypt, China, Mexico and Thailand. The infusion of the hibiscus blossom can either be drunk pure or in form of a fruit tea blend.


Stock:  5 bag
Hibiscus blossoms (cut)   [Preorder]
Hibiscus blossoms (cut)

The blossoms are a major part of fruit teas and give a fresh and tangy infusion. Depending on the country of origin, the colour and acidity varies. The imports from Thailand give a dark infusion with less acidity. The Sudanese hibiscus, on the other hand, has a noticeably stronger acidity and a brighter cup. Hence, with fruit tea blends you can determine the degree of acidity and/or colour by trying out different quantities and qualities of hibiscus blossoms. To those who are very thirsty, we can recommend the pure, freshly brewed and cool hibiscus tea as a really thirst-quenching drink in summer.


Stock:  0 bag
Lemon grass

There are approximately 55 different varieties of lemon grass, which belongs to the family of sweet grass plants. Lemon grass has its origin in South East Asia, Sri Lanka, India and Australia. The plant, also known as Citronella, is mainly used as a spice in Asia cuisine. The dried plant is used in cut or ground form. However, the fresh stalk of lemon grass has an extraordinary, slightly rose-like and fresh, lemon aroma with an exotic note of its own. The fresh or dried leaves are also used in the tea blends for a thirst-quenching effect. The most popular variety is imported from India, whereas in India itself the plant is mainly used for the production of cosmetics and perfumes.


Stock:  17 bag
Rose hip peel (broken)

The rose hip is a bush that can reach heights of up to 5 m. Its 2 cm thick fruits are round or oval in shape and very tender. Rose hip varies from light to dark red, in autumn a real eye catcher in the woods. The plant originates in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. Today, we import this product from different countries like Chile, Russia, Bulgaria and China. The rose hip peel is dried in wood-burning stoves and reaches us in big bags. It is especially suitable as a single fruit for a delicious and thirst-quenching infusion. In fruit tea blends it is today one of the most important ingredients and almost indispensable. By the way, the inner part of the rose hip, commonly known as itching powder, can of course, be used to drive other people crazy.


Stock:  15 bag
Sage leaves   [Preorder]
Sage leaves

Sage is a bush, which can reach heights of up to 70 cm. The long and hairy leaves have a very delicious and aromatic scent; their colour is light olive-green. The taste is very typical and slightly bitter. Originally, sage derives from the Mediterran area. It is very common especially in the Adriatic region. Today, the plant is also cultivated in other European countries. Cut sage should be kept in dark and closed containers. Due to the high contents of essential oils, we do not recommend storage in containers made of plastic.


Stock:  0 bag
Peppermint (cut)   [Preorder]
Peppermint (cut)

The wild-growing peppermint, one of innumerable mint varieties, can only be found in Central and Southern Europe. It is cultivated in the entire European and Northern African area today. Peppermint has a pure, refreshing, menthol like character. Due to the cultivation of many different mint varieties over a long period of time, the once original wild growing species has been changed a lot. It is suspected that it is also due to this that NANA-Mint with its distinct speramint flavour was formed.


Stock:  0 bag
Hibiscus blossoms (cut)   [Preorder]
Hibiscus blossoms (cut)

The ginger is one of the most widely known herbs and spices. Its roots yield the unique, highly aromatic, sweetly spicy flavour. Ginger has been valued and used by various cultures for centuries. We can also no longer imagine life without it in our hemisphere. The root of the ginger, the so-called Rhizome, which grows horizontally, entwined in the soil, is harvested. Enjoy our high quality ginger pure, with honey or as a flavour-giving ingredient to one of our tea creations. A must-have!


Stock:  0 bag
Verbena leaves (cut)   [Preorder]
Verbena leaves (cut)

Verbena leaves, also called vervain, enjoy a growing popularity which is why we have decided to add them to our assortment. The flavour of the verbena is similar to that of lemon melissa, but with a fresh, slightly herb hint of lemon.


Stock:  0 bag


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