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Loose Herbs


Camomile   [Preorder]

Camomile is commonly known as the kind of tea, which you drink when you are suffering from a cold and lying in bed with a scarf around your neck. Being mild and caffeine free, this dried blossoms makes a very appropriate drink in every season. People also like using it to pamper teir skin in the vapour of a hot camomile bath. We are offering a camomile of very high quality. The typical camomile character of this infusion is particularly intense. The product is very even; small pieces have been sorted out by hand-picking. The larger and optically more conspicuous Roman camomile has a similar taste but preferred for decoration purposes. Camomile has been used since the Neolithic Age.


Stock:  0 bag
Moroccan NANA-Mint (cut)

There is hardly another product that has so many different names. Its original and real name is crisped mint. The name spearmint derives probably from its specific mint taste, with no menthol nuances. Moroccoan NANA-Mint is a traditional drink for the population of this African country and can be drunk at any time of the year. Both hot and cold, the infusion is a real thirst-quencher with no fruity notes but with a delicious and vitalizing spearmint taste. A further classic fromm Morocco is the combination of green tee, particularly Gunpoweder, and NANA-Mint (Green Menthos). Hence, this delicious herb receives a large portion of the vitalising theanine.


Stock:  2 bag
Peppermint (whole)

Following a growing demand, we have now added the whole peppermint to our standard assortment. This sweet, mild, whole leaf unfolds the popular peppermint taste wonderfully unique in the cup. It is the pride and joy of Austria where its origin can be found. Take a break, close your eyes and enjoy this crisp freshness with its unique flavour all year round.


Stock:  15 bag
Greek Mountain Tea

Worldwide there are roughly 150 types of dittany (family "Sideretis") of which the vast majority grows in the Mediterran region. The majority of these members of the labiate family grow wild, only some vatieties are cultivated. Greek Mountain tea is rich in essential oils and its blossoms, stems and leaves set free the scent of fresh herbs with a hint of lemon when infused. The taste is fruity, herb with a slight spicy, earthy note and best enjoyed hot or cold and sweetened with a little sugar or honey.


Stock:  0 bag


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