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India is the seventh largest country of the world area-wise and borders on Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar (formerly Burma) and Banglades.


According to ancient records, the cultivation of tea in India started at the beginning of the 18th century. At that time, English scientists were able to cultivate cuttings of Chinese tea seeds. Simultaneously, the "thea assamica" was discovered in impenetrable territory. Both of these successes laid the foundations for a large-scale cultivation of the plant in India. The mild, tropical climate, which predominates the region of Assam, proved to be ideal for the cultivation of strong, spicy teas. The cooler highlands of Darjeeling, on the other hand, were ideal for cultivating finer, more flowery qualities. The black teas from from the highland plateaus of Sikkim resemble those of Darjeeling, but have an even softer cup. In the tea gardens of the southern Indian tea district Nilgiri, fine, lively teas grow on various mountains. These are reminiscent of high-quality Ceylon teas.



Darjeeling: Is without doubt one of the most renowned tea growing regions. On the southern slopes of the Himalaya Mountains at altitudes of up to 2,500 m more than 80 plantations produce the most exquisite varietes of the world.

Main Crops:

March - May • first flush – At the beginning of spring, after the end of the vegetation break, the first, delicate leaves and leaf buds are plucked. Lively and fresh aromas, as well as delightfully flowery scents characterise a good first flush. Premium qualities sometimes contain a hint of a nutmeg.

May - June • inbetweenTowards the end of the first flush season the first touches of the second flush period can be noted in the qualities. The leaves and the infusion are already turning darker and the diversity of the flavours varies from full-bodied to slightly aromatic.

June - July • second flushDuring the summer harvest, the summit in the crop year, the tea shrubs develop more strength and aroma by the longer exposure to stronger sunlight. The most important quality features of a classical second flush tea are a dark brown to black leaf with golden tips and the colour of the infusion, a soft amber, presenting an aromatic flavour. Top qualities possess a distinctive nutmeg note.

October - November • autumnal  After several periods of rain in late summer and until the vegetation lull in November, fully aromatic but somewhat milder teas are growing.


Assam: Is a province in northeastern India and has a tropical climate. Surrounded by Bangladesh, Myanmar (formerly Burma), Bhutan, Tibet and China, the only connection to the mother country India is a strip of land in the northwest of this province. About half of the tea produced in India is grown here: the largest tea-growing region in the world. These strong and spicy teas perform well with hard (calcareous) water and form the basis for several classical black tea blends. Tea plants are cultivated in large tea gardens with a cultivable of up to 1,000 hectares. There are about 2,000 plantations in Assam.

Main Crops:

Mid April - Late May • first flush – These qualities are not economically significant for the European market. These teas are mostly aromatically fresh, feature a light cup and are rather tart in character. For this reason they do not meet the traditional Assam character.

Early June - Mid August • second flush – Assam teas from the second plucking period are of the largest relevance in terms of quality and export business. These qualities are often very "coloured" (high portions of tips), the infusion is mostly very dark and they have a typical strong, full, spicy and malty character.

Darjeeling [29 pcs] [1 new]
- Black Tea [24 pcs] [1 NEW]
- Half-fermented tea [2 pcs]
- Green Tea [3 pcs]
Assam [19 pcs]
- Black Tea [18 pcs]
- Green Tea [1 pcs]
Sikkim [2 pcs]
- Black Tea [2 pcs]
Nilgiri [1 pcs]
- Black Tea [1 pcs]