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Flavoured Black Tea

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At the end of the 1970s, the world discovered flavoured black tea; there was hardly anyone who didn't drink wild cherry or vanilla tea trying to save the world from his or her candlelit living room.

Today, this product category has a completely different role. A finely adjusted base is combined with a huge variety of flavours and decorated with many pieces of fruits and blossoms.

The sweet, fruity or intense flavours are mostly blended with mild China and strong, spicy Ceylon teas. The mild, gentle flavour compositions are supported by an elegant selection of mild bases. Thus, we gladly select a soft Oolong rea, a fine, soft Keemun tea, or an aromatic, sweetish, earthy Yunnan tea as bases for our flavoured teas.


Strawberry/Cream   [Remnants and Oddments]

Who can resist this delicious red berry? It is best if freshly plucked from the plant and eaten immediately. Our sweet, fruity and creamy creation reminds you of Grandma's home-made strawberry cake with fruits from her own garden: a large spoonful freshly whipped sweet cream on the crispy, bright strawberries is most tempting. Our strawberry dream, however, bears no unexpected calories! A classic, which is a valuable addition to each assortment!


Stock:  14 bag
Bon Tea (Chocolate/Coconut)

White beaches, crystal clear water, the rustle of palm leaves, Caribbean music in the background, sun-tanned skin and a happy mood ... The pleasure of chocolate and coconuts would bring to perfection the picture of a good life, "le bon gout de la vie". To be brief, Bon Tea ... chocolate and coconut included! Enjoy this tender, creamy creation with, or even without, Caribbian music. It's worth it!


Stock:  8 bag

An old time classic, which just must be part of any standard, and of course, any Christmas assortment. The strong China Ceylon blend, enriched with crushed cinnamon pieces from Ceylon receives its perfectly balanced taste through our expressive cinnamon flavour. Quite simple but perfect.


Stock:  11 bag
Cream   [Preorder]

The taste of freshly whipped cream not only completes the delicious, homemade strawberry tart or rounds off the yummiest cream sweets. Following an old tradition, also the East Frisian tea drinkers enjoy their typical black tea blend with fresh cream just skimmed off farm milk. An old classic with a soft, creamy and melting flavour on a full black tea blend, which can perfectly be consumed with a spoonful of rock candy and a dash of fresh lemon!


Stock:  0 bag
Orange with Peel

Freshly squeezed juice from the most common citrus directly from the juicer promises a perfect start into your day. In order to transfer the delicioius taste of this fruit rich in vitamins to tea, we have created a black tea blend on which the taste of the popular orange can ideally unfold. The wafer-thin peel, which can also be used to flavour many foods, is also included in our lively, fresh tea creation. Drink the sunshine into your day!


Stock:  12 bag
Pearl of the Night (Jackfruit/Almond)

This fruity creation will impress you with its unusual spicy influences. Notes of exotic fruits, berries and creamy, soft almonds endow this black and green tea blend from China and Ceylon with an exotic, oriental taste experience, and orange peel and various blossoms reflect this in its appearance.


Stock:  17 bag

Grown in many countries with a tropical climate, lemons have been endowed with a juice, which is rich in sugar and acid, and have a high culinary value. As a flavoured tea, this one must not be missing in a good tea assortment. The refreshing, sour flavour harmonises especially well with our mild black tea blend, which is decorated in a simple but striking way with shining lemon peel. On hot summer days, this black tea is the perfect refreshment, and during the cold months a sweet and sour encouragement, which makes the sun shine in your heart.


Stock:  29 bag
Wild Cherry

Fresh, dark red, firm cherries plucked from the tree ... this is how this delicious fruit should be enjoyed. The full China-Ceylon black tea blend, flavoured with the intensely fruity and sour, wild cherry flavour provides a very authentic taste experience. The freeze-dried, dark red sour pieces not only serve as delicate decoration, but also give off their fresh fruity taste when the tea is brewed. A real delight for every cherry fan!


Stock:  21 bag
Black Blood Orange

This mild China-Ceylon black tea blend will remind you of the colourful Caribbean thanks to the light-yellow orange peel and orange-red blazing safflower. This tea creation has been ennobled by the natural flavour of a sweet, firm, fresh and tangy fruit from Italy. The typical red colour of the firm flesh of sun ripened blood oranges, which results from frosty nights shortly before harvesting, is the first thought that enters your mind with the first sip. The second thought is a warm summer evening in the South. There are no limits to your imagination while enjoying this refreshing, tangy, fruity drink!


Stock:  18 bag

Only the few desserts are as well known as the sweet Crème Caramel dessert. Hardly anybody remembers how it was prepared at home and what a wonderful smell it spread through the kitchen. It is a pity that this well-known recipe with caramelised sugar, fresh eggs and a hint of real vanilla has been forgotten. Our tea creation comes up to the highest expectations with its tempting creamy caramel pieces and sweet, full caramel flavour with an unforgettable vanilla note.


Stock:  6 bag


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