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Green Tea, Flavoured

Main category >Tea >Flavoured Tea >Green Tea, Flavoured

Az ízesített zöldtea legjobb gazdagító alapja a kínai zöldtea. Miért? Híresen lágy és finom, tipikus zöldtea karaktere miatt az ízek tökéletesen alkalmazkodnak és kiegyensúlyozott szimbiózist alkotnak az alappal. Még a gazdag ízek hozzáadása után is érezhető és kiegyensúlyozott a zöldtea íze. China Gunpowder-t és könnyedebb teákat, mint az Oolong, Pi Lo Chun, Chun Mee vagy Pai Mu Tan kínálunk a különleges kívánalmak kielégítésére.


Sencha • Mangobelle (Mango/Mirabelle)

A creation with a very special flavour experience. The tart and fruity taste of mango is wonderfully combined with the aromas of sweet fruits. The blend is crowned by a delicately fine scent of a flowery, fruity bouquet. The base of green tea is elegantly decorated with white cornflower blossoms and yellow marigold blossoms..




Stock:  5 bag
Sencha • Prickly Pear   [Remnants and Oddments]
Sencha • Prickly Pear

If you are looking for new tastes, you can really expect something different from this tea. The surprising flavour of the prickly pear has a taste, which is refreshing, finely sour, and reminds you of melons and pears. Belonging to the family of cactuses, this fruit most probably has its origins in Mexico and was already cultivated by the Aztecs. The tempting scent makes you long for summer and lifts your spirits. The balanced decoration leaves no room for improvement.


Stock:  14 bag
Sencha • Orange

Orange trees which slowly sway under the Italian sky, impressions of freshness, sweetness and sun. Freshly squeezed orange juice fresh from the juicer - this is the incomparable aroma we were hoping to find. In order to support the selected orange flavour, we have chosen a mild green tea basis, which ideally brings out the popular scent. The decoration of bright orange blossoms completes the picture of this perfect blend. A wonderful tea, which can also serve as an excellent thirst quencher in summer.


Stock:  19 bag
Sencha • Pomegranate Blossom (Pomegranate)

The royal pomegranate is still a fascination and demonstrates new facets again and again. This time we have focused on its blossoms, which decorates the green "Sencha" base with its bold beauty in combination with the delicate rose petals. The taste enthuses thanks to the fruity pomegranate with a hint of sweet flower.


Stock:  0 bag
Green Menthos

High-quality Chinese Gunpowder”, finest American mint and an intense natural crisped mint flavour combine to a special taste experience. Aromatic, lively yet rich, this exciting composition develops an unparalleled aroma and scent. This fresh aroma really peps you up. This popular classic is ideal for an ice tea on hot days.


Stock:  3 bag
Sencha • Chocolate Rose   [Remnants and Oddments]
Sencha • Chocolate Rose

Dive into the world of the scents of a rose garden and close your eyes: you will be delighted. The exceptional optic of this composition is underlined by the classic green tea blend with bamboo leaves. This creation is rounded off by delicate dark chocolate, which invites you to melt away.


Stock:  16 bag
Sencha • Pina Colada (Coconut/Pineapple)

Dreams of long, white, sandy beaches, skies without a cloud and endless warm summer nights in the South Sea - these are the thoughts that come to mind if you think of the famous cocktail. Why go far? Our select green tea base with this exquisite taste satisfies the highest expectations. The select Pina Colada flavour combination together with a colourful decoration of pineapple cubes and coconut shreds make this creation a real bestseller.


Stock:  27 bag
Sencha • Spring Melody (Strawberry/Orange)

This is where the spring action is. Any taste bud will look forward to the fresh flavours of ripe strawberries, refreshing orange and exotic pineapple. A base of finest green teas rounds off this composition. Enjoy this symphony and decide for yourself whether this opus can be praised profoundly.


Stock:  2 bag
Sencha • Apricot Kernel   [Remnants and Oddments]
Sencha • Apricot Kernel
We have just dicovered the sweet apricot kernel for our tea blends: the soft core which can be found inside the seed shell of the fruit. It looks like an almond and its taste is like the secret of a perfect persipan! This combination, which will surely surprise the one or the other tea lover, was the basis for this flavour sensation on a blend of "China Sencha" and "Japanese Bancha": fruity-sweet apricots in combination with delicate marzipan. Simply refined - in taste as well as the optic with the added orange blossoms and peony petals.

Stock:  12 bag
Sencha • Lemon

The aromas of brewed green tea and tingling, fresh lemon complement one each another perfectly. The select green tea base perfectly supports the tangy aroma. The added lemon flavour is responsible for a subtle sweetness, which gives a real kick to this tea creation. Consumed either hot or cold, this tea has won many friends over the years and has become a real classic belonging in every green tea assortment.


Stock:  0 bag


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